We are having yet more snow, although again we managed to dodge the worst of it, we have been lucky this year, there have been three big storms predicted to hit us and none of them have. Further north they have not been so lucky.

The photos today are hopefully going to brighten up your day if it needs brightening. I took these last summer out in the pasture. Strangely enough the one above looks like the milkweed plant flower that the Monarch buttterfly caterpillars feed off but it had totally different leaves and general structure. I even found one with a monarch caterpillar on it. Will have to do a bit of research as I thought that the milkweed was the only plant these caterpillars ate.

The one above was a tiny little weed, I had to lay on the ground to shoot it as it is only about an inch long, if anyone knows what it is please fill me in LOL.
Taxes is doing great, the wound looks aweful but he is full of his usual naughtiness again and lets me flush the wound with no problem with warm water and spray it with an antibacterial spray the vet gave me to use.
I put the horses in last night because of the storm warning so they will probably stay there til tomorrow. Our helper has made headway a bit in the barn and hopefully we will get it in ship shape by the end of the week again. Blue is already starting to shed his winter coat by the handfulls. I find that the white hair always sheds first, so all the horses with lots of white are shedding profusely.
Well thats my bit for the day, still hoping and praying that we will sell some horses soon to good homes, keep fingers and toes crossed for us LOL (((((Hugs)))))
Hi Lori!
Sorry I've been away from your blog for awhile. I will try to rectify that.
I love your milkweed! What a delightful flower really that is called a "noxious" weed by the authorities here in Ontario but the poor Monarch if it were to be destroyed. They'd have nothing to eat.
Love your photos today!
Guelph Daily Photo, My Photos.
Lori, your "milkweed like" flower may actually be Joe-Pye Weed. See http://www.oldfashionedliving.com/joe-pye-weed.html for more info. The flowers seem identical but the leaves of the two plants are very different - both attract butterflies.
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