Thursday, April 17, 2008

Taxes - Wound Progress & April 15th birthday boys

My little angel turned one yesterday along with my stud who turned 5. I posted on the birthday boys on my main blog but here is another shot of Blue and what he thought of it all.

The wound is nearly gone, it is amazing that it has healed as well as this you can hardly see anything. When he sheds his winter coat it may be more visible but there is just a small lump which was where the triangular tip of the skin was when it was ripped.

This will hopefully be the last of his wound progress.


Pony Girl said...

Like your photography! Your boy's wound appears to be healing very well....always looks worse than they are, I guess. My horse was injured in December, it was just a skin wound, not as bad as Taxes, but it was his first under my ownership and I freaked out like a worried mama! ;)

Lori Schmidt (LoriProPhoto) said...

Pony Girl thanks for visiting this blog and for you comment. I worry sick every time I have a horse hurt itself, especially in the leg areas because they are so hard to dress and keep covered.

Sorry it has taken me so long to respond, I am finally trying to get back into a routine with my blogs, writing them and visiting my blogging friends.
