Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Hummingbird Clearwinged Moth

I am battling to upload photos so only have these two, I will add to them later.

I have only seen these little guys twice and that was this summer, the first time I didnt have my camera, the second time I did and I took advantage of it. These little moths are only about an inch or so long and move like lightening flapping their wings as fast as a hummingbird, hence their name. There are other color vatiations, the one being the same except that it is all green. They belong to the same family as the Hawk Moths if I remember correctly, except the hawk moths dont have transparent wings.

(click on picture to enlarge)
One thing that I have noticed is that most of the shots I have seen of these little guys are with them on a pink or purple flower, wonder if that is significant. I will try to find some links and post them with the next batch of photos.

Nature is wonderful.



Anonymous said...

I never got one this clear as you have here. I have 7 on my website


listed under moths. They are fast and hard for me to get pictures of.

Nice shots.

Strawberry Lane said...

Fascinating creatures. Great photos!

Coy Hill said...

Great shots! Keeping one of these critters in focus for the shot is no easy feat! I do beleive that is a teasel flower that it is visiting.

The Birdlady said...

I found your blog through the comment you left for Stacey - I'm glad I did! I have never seen the hummingbird moth; wish I could. Your photos are spectacular!

Anonymous said...

I actually just saw one today for the first time, from what I could tell this one was all brown. I thought at first it was a baby hummingbird. I got a few shots also not as clear as this one but not bad considering how fast they move. He was staying near our purple and pink petunias.

Lori Schmidt (LoriProPhoto) said...

Yes they appear to have a preference for the light purple or pink blooms, but dont like the heat. Another friend of mine saw a brown one today for the first time and it was perched on a leaf in the shade.
Thanks for visiting, leave your name next time so I know who you are!